Hi all,
So today in our seminar we did poetry. Which, when we first started, was something that I was actually quite scared/uncomfortable about.
But we did some great activities and at the end we had a chance to write our own sonnets (using some phrases/images etc. that we had earlier devised).
I was not feeling confident about it but I came up with this poem and I don't completely hate it.
So, with little revision, here is a poem (dedicated to Adamo).
Loving History
You wear a suit of shiny bruised protection:
Metal covers your head, elbows and knees.
As sounds of violence echo through the trees,
I remove your helm, with great affection.
With lemonade, we drink some ginger wine.
I kiss your neck with gentle, loving slurps.
We drink until the bubbles make you burp!
(These kisses let me show you that you’re mine.)
With every sip of warming ginger spice
We head a little closer to our tent.
To removal of your armour you consent;
Drunk, you let me pay you my bride-price.
The outcome of the battle is a mystery
To we who are in love and living history.