04 August, 2009

I Only Wrote a Sentence Today

Fun fact: I'm a pacifist.

I don't like violence. I understand that many people enjoy it, and on occasion I can appreciate that it does have some entertainment value. For example, when the violence is medieval style and they're all wearing lots of armour etc. and no one gets hurt.

But as much as I'd like you all to think of me as sweet and innocent and non-violent, my mind doesn't always work that way.

This next piece of writing is a whole one sentence long. I did think about working it into a narrative, but I can't be bothered. It just seems important to post it now. It's dialogue. In fact, not even dialogue, it's monologue. Just the speech of one character:

"I will rip your throat open with my bare hands just to feel your hot blood splash out over my skin."

I think it's a nice image, don't you?

Comments and critiques welcome.



Anonymous said...

I think that choosing to be nonviolent is a great choice, but it isn't one we can readily order our brains to follow. The beauty of our brains is we can think and feel whatever we want and not necessarily inflict it upon the world!

The line would make for a nice gorey character...or a nice look into someone's sweet little mind that is, in contrast, not quite so sweet and innocent! lol

~ Crystal

Kellie Motteram said...

Well, certainly destroys all misconceptions that you are not a violent thinking person!! Maybe this line would be nice in the Maggie story, the line of the killer (or antagonist, whatever form he/she might take)...or her lover (shock, horror!):O