11 August, 2011

The Morning Show

I did some writing. And you get to read it. Trufax, guys. :D
So here is a story that I wrote during a writing exercise in my creative writing workshop today:
(P.S. can has constructive comments plz?) ♥Nancy♬
The rain is ice cold on his face as he walks through the city. With a shrug, he snuggles deeper into his not-warm-enough overcoat. He steadfastly ignores the crowd of people cheering, yelling, waving signs despite the weather, all for the chance to get a sliver of themselves filmed on the show being filmed behind the window. It is morning, bright and early, but the sun is nowhere to be seen behind the clouds. He hurries on, wishing and hoping for that daytime star to appear and warm the world.
She twirls in the street, rainbow skirts flying up and out. She feels like a rhythmic gymnast (even though she knows that those flipping twisting twirling dancers would never perform their art out here in the street). She doesn’t notice that the crowd draws aside. She doesn’t realise that they have decided, an unspoken, unanimous decision, that she should be the one to be filmed on the show. Perfectly made-up D-grade celebrities turn in their comfy couch to look out the window behind them. She cannot hear them behind the window, but they are almost certainly talking about her.
Perhaps one immaculately dressed presenter might say, “looks like someone’s enjoying this rainy weather, anyway.”
And then the other one would say, “she’s our ray of sunshine under all this cloud cover.”
Then the other, “and on that note, let’s go to the weather.”
His wet black nose wiggles as he sniffs at the overflowing trash can in the street. He doesn’t hide from the rain like the cold man in his overcoat. He doesn’t dance or twirl like the rain-dancer in her rainbow skirt. Instead, he eats a piece of stale bread (it’s hiding place under a brown paper bag is the only reason the birds haven’t reached it first) and then runs over to the crowd of people outside the window to see if some kind soul will pat him.
 “Oh, look at that dog!”
The presenters look out the window at him, both smiling, then turn back to the cameras.
The weatherman has just finished telling the world that the weather is rainy.

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