30 August, 2019

(Green) Flash Fiction

Hi all,

I've really been missing writing lately but when it comes to my hobbies I have other priorities like sewing and calligraphy and emails. So it occurred to me that an easy solution was to do some very short writing and I decided to knock out a bit of flash fiction. This one's called "Green Flash" and I was trying to build a sense of anticipation/expectation.

Enjoy! Comments always appreciated :) 


Green Flash

The gentle keen of old brakes slowly engaging. The crunch of heavy tyres on gravelly limestone. Excited voices chattering.
            “Get all the stuff out first!”
            “Reckon we can take it all in one go?”
The blasting sun making a furnace of the earth below. The abrasive scratch of sand between toes, between feet and thongs. Soft bundles in arms – heavy piles of mattresses, blankets, sofa cushions.
            “Over there.”
            *clink* *fizz* “Aah!”
A cleared circle in the sand. A strategic jenga tower of kindling. The lick of yellow flame against the match-head, some balled up paper, the dry wood.
            “Do we have time for a swim?”
            “You go, I’ll watch the fire.”
            “You sure?”
            “I’d rather read my book anyway.”
Salt water crust drying on thirsty lips. The smoky smell of jarrah logs on the fire. Hot liquid bursting out of fat sausages and the sweet soothing salve of tomato sauce.
            “’Nother beer?”
An orange orb travelling lower in the sky. Shadows falling across the sand. Another log thumping on the fire, catching quickly.
            “It’s getting there.”
            “Look at that light on the water. Can you pass my camera?”
            “Hey grab my jumper while you’re up? It’s getting cold.”
The rustle of tinfoil, boxes and packets. Scorching fingers on melted marshmallow. A contented sigh as sugar floods the senses.
            “Look, look! It’s nearly there!”
            *click* “That’s a nice shot, see?”
The orange orb slowly slipping below the horizon, sinking down under calm, dark ocean. The long-awaited flash of green. Everybody cheers.

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